Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Weak" 3

I couldn't catch my bearings!

 Juggling three different grade levels, teaching two different courses, teaching five periods in block scheduling, PLC & Leadership Google Meetings, end of year documentation due . . . , all remotely.  

My personal account accidentally merged with my work account!  

My personal computer began heating up breathing heavy, it too was having a panic attack! It was Week three and I still couldn't figure out who was on first.  

Let's just say, it wasn't pretty.
"Father, Help!"

There are so many things I have liked about remote learning, but one thing I don't like is that I feel lost.  I'm a planner, not a winger.  Last Sunday, I planned everything ahead of time, to realize once Monday came that I had planned a big mess.  My kids could not access anything, I added 8th grades lessons to my 6th grade class.  And, to add the icing on the cake, my evaluator clicked by in the middle of my little crisis.  

  By Wednesday I had a meltdown and I needed to stop, assess and figure something out.  I could not continue navigating with the lights out.

I went to Slides and  decided to map everything out.  I created a focus calendar with ever single thing I need for a particular class on a designated day.  Since then I've learned there are apps that will do this for me, I'll need to explore them when I get a moment.  But, we don't have a moment when teaching remotely, at least I haven't had one.  

I blocked out the classes I would not be teaching on Day 1, and added the content I'd be teaching in the squares next to the classes I would be teaching.  I started with May and worked my way backward.  Before each week, I have a giant slide that tells me which week I should be looking at. And, the week that finished was moved to the end of the presentation.  I'm not completely sure how the next few weeks will pan out, but at least I have a roadmap.  

These first three weeks was like wandering lost in a forest.  I'd keep running around in circles.  Just when I thought I'd knew where I was going, I'd end up lost again.  The frustrating part was I was  getting little accomplished, but working 10 and 12 hour days.  Thankfully, I've finally reached a clearing.  I'm breathing a little better now.  

I just have one more recording to do for next week.  I hope to complete it before Friday.  Then, I'm off to prepare my Week Five.  
A Prayer For Us

Father, help us this next week.  Shower us with grace, favor, peace and hope as we keep the boat
afloat for the next few weeks.  Help us find moments to breathe and to laugh.  Help us to believe and to anticipate good things.  Help us to allow ourselves to be human. I pray for all the teachers who are not just taking care of their students but are taking care of family members and neighbors.  I pray for students who are feeling confused and scared and awkward as their normal has been paused.  I pray for parents who may feel overwhelmed keeping their families fed, safe and educated. I pray for our nation, may we rise from this experience greater and stronger.  And, if there be any lessons we need to learn from all of this, 
help us to be teachable.

Strength, Love and Grace to you!  


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